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Certificate in Graphic design

Introduction to Typography

Introduction to Typography

Typography is an art form that has been around for hundreds of years. Words and text are all around us every day in almost everything we do. In every piece of type you see, somebody has considered how the letters, sentences and paragraphs will look in order for it to be read by us, or make us feel a certain way when we look at it. Sometimes this is done well, sometimes not. Often it is graphic designers who are the ones deciding how it will look; in brochures, logos, websites and so on. The better we are at this, the more effective our designs will be. Good typography comes from paying attention to tiny details. This can make the difference between work that is average or work that is really good.


Typographic Basics...

typeface or font?

Designers are often unsure of the difference between these two, as they are often confused for being the same thing...




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