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Guide to Python Programming
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Session 1
Downloading And Installing python
Variables, Rules for creating variables in Python,Declaring and assigning values to variables & Arithmetic Operators
Session 2 Input/Output Features and Intrinsic
Operations for Data Types in Python
Accepting User Input
Formatting the Output
Introduction to Intrinsic Operations
Intrinsic Operations for Strings
Intrinsic Operations for Lists and Tuples
Lists as Queues
Intrinsic Operations for Dictionaries
Session 3 Programming Basics
Operators Part 2
The if Statement
Looping Constructs
The while Loop
Infinite Loops
The continue Statement
The for Loop
The break and continue Statements
The else Statement Used with Loops
The pass Statement
Session 4 - Functions
Using Functions
User-Defined Functions
Default Arguments
The return Statement
Built-In Functions
Number Of Variables
Session 5 Modules
Importing Modules
Namespaces and Variable Scope
More on Importing Modules
Module Search Path
Testing Modules
Session 6 - Files
The open() Function
Writing Data to a File
The writelines() Method.
Reading Data
The readline() Method
File System
Session 7 Object-Oriented Programming
Introducing OOP
Python Object Oriented Programming
Python Inheritance
Python Encapsulation
Python Objects and Classes
Python Objects
Access Class Attributes Using Objects
Method Overriding in Python Inheritance
The super() Method in Python Inheritance
Python Multiple Inheritance
Session 8 Database Programming
Database Management
Introduction to MySQL
Installing and Configuring MySQL
Creating a Database
Creating a Table
Data Types Available in MySQL
Retrieving Records from a Table
Inserting Records in a Table
Modifying the Data in a Table
Deleting a Table
Accessing a Database from a Python Script
Insert Data into Tables
Update Data
Delete Data from Table
Session 9 Network Programming
Getting Started
Socket Programming
Simple Server Client Program
Session 10 Multi threaded Programming
Getting Started
Synchronizing Threads
Multi threaded Priority Queue
The super() Method in Python Inheritance
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