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Web Design
Getting Started
Setting up your development Environment
What is HTML 5
Understaning Tags
Viewing your file as a web page
Adding content in the body taag
Basic HTML Tags
Heading Tags
Basic Styling with Html Elements
HTML lists - ordered and unordered
Getting started with CSS
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet
Applying CSS rules
Types of CSS
Using CSS selectors
CSS , Fonts and colours
Styling Fonts
Working with Images
Types of Images
Inserting Images in your web page
Applying Image Attributes
Images and CSS
Background Images with CSS
Adding captions to images
Linking pages and files
Setting Hyperlinks
CSS and hyperlinks
External stylesheets
Creating nav bar with HTML lists
Working with CSS Layouts
Using the Box Model
CSS Positioning and Floats
Styling HTML 5 tags
CSS Grids
HTML 5 tables
Table alignment, colour, images
Table Basics.
HTML forms
Passwords, hidden fields, Labels,
Textareas, Option buttons and Checkboxes
Data Lists
Details, Aside, Mark
HTML 5 Video and Audio
Hosting site on the internet
Websites and Domain Names
What to look for when buying Webspace
Textareas, Option buttons and Checkboxes
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